Friday, September 7, 2012

Fill' er up...

Today was my first expander "fill-up"...As usual I wasn't sure how this was going to happen or if it was going to hurt.  To give everyone an idea of what's going on below the skin I have included a picture of the expander.

In the center is a metal port that is used to insert the needle for each fill.  I didn't try it out at home but I would be lying if I said I didn't want to try and stick refrigerator magnets on chest to see if they would stay (I may still try this, for fun...of course).  

Dr. C used a little magnetic tool to confirm the location of the port and applied a little pressure to mark the spot.  I asked for the smallest needle to be used but apparently the saline goes into too slow with a small needle so I get what felt like an Exxon pipe line.  It was really only a normal size needle but to me it was huge.  I was told I may not feel the needle go in because of numbness but I could feel it go in on the left side but not the right.  Most of the time I am all over wanting to see everything going on but I couldn't get the image of Mia (Uma Thurman) in the movie Pulp Fiction out of my head.  For those of you who haven't seen the movie, this scene is after Mia overdoses on drugs.

Lance:  You're going to give her an injection of adrenaline directly to her heart.  But she's got, uh, breastplate... [taps Mia's chest] 
Lance:  So you gotta pierce through that.  So what you have to do is, you have to bring the needle down in a stabbing motion. [demonstrates] 
Vincent: I - I gotta stab her .....and he stabs her in the heart with a very large needle. 
So after she gets that home-administered adrenaline shot, she gains consciousness with the needle still stuck in her chest. Ughh. Say no to drugs, kids. 

Sorry, I got a little off track needle experience didn't have the same protracted agony as Mia's but in my head it was just as bad.  If Darin was writing this blog it would say how awesome it was to sit off to the side and watch my breast grow by the second.  In five minutes Dr. C was able to create what mother nature failed to do in five years.  I guess you could say I'm like a blow up doll.   

It wasn’t painful at the time, but at this very moment I feel like I bench pressed an elephant.

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